Saturday, June 16, 2012

Day Trip to Corinth

Today is our last full day in Greece—we’ll fly out tomorrow. 

Our classes concluded last night (and at breakfast today there were lots of great stories of lives deeply impacted through the course!).  So today, free of teaching responsibilities, we took a trip to the ancient city of Corinth (read Acts 18) and other sites nearby. 

By the way, you may know that Corinth is on the isthmus between mainland Greece and the Peloponnesian peninsula.  In modern times, the feat of digging a canal (see photo) through the three-mile neck of land at Corinth makes it possible for ships to save some 200 nautical miles when traveling from, say, eastern Italy to western Turkey.

I took the picture of my feet because I’m standing on remnants of the original white marble pavement of the main city square in Corinth where the Apostle Paul walked many times (he lived there for about a year and a half—and most likely he wrote the Letter to the Romans during his stay in Corinth).